Sunday, September 13, 2009

Harry Potter!

Christopher's big accomplishment this summer was to finish the last two Harry potter books! I'm so proud of him! I know there are lots of avid readers out there, but when I was a kid I didn't read anything I didn't have to! So I am so glad that Christopher has been bitten by the reading bug and found lots of time this summer to curl up with a good book and exercise his imagination!
Way to go Chris!


  1. Yay! I think you should post Chris' opinions of the last two books! Thumbs up or down -or sideways? I gotta know! :)

  2. Angela- Chris says sideways for both books till the end, when he gives a big thumbs up! Though he still wishes all his favorite people survived!

  3. Tell Chris I wasn't too fond of the extended camping trip that took up most of Book 7, but the final show-down was awesome! I agree- big thumbs up for the ending!

    I'm sorry to hear that his favorite characters kicked the bucket. I remember actually tearing up a little bit when Dobby died... and I find that character rather annoying!
    At least my favorite character, Draco Malfoy, didn't die! Yes, he truely is my favorite... what does that say about me?

  4. Emily started reading them a while ago. She's on #5 now and loving them! I love seeing them caught up in a book, too.
