Thursday, April 1, 2010

School Projects!

Have you met this Boy? The one who is ignoring me! Wrentham public schools likes to give this boy an insane amount of School projects!

Have I mentioned I don't like school projects?
Especially large complex school projects with several deadlines.
Every time Chris gets a project I tell him I will not be helping you with this on the last day!
Yet each time I find myself yelling and typing late into the night!
Well about a month ago He was assigned to do a country report on Sweden.
Everyday I reminded him to work on HIS report!And this is what I got him avoiding me!
It's almost all done he would say!
I am working on it at school!
We have two more weeks!

Guess who's project was due today?

Guess who was at the computer sitting with Chris till 11PM last night while he typed 10 pages worth of information about Sweden?
Guess who knows more about Sweden now? Me or Chris?
If you guessed me you're...........
I hate school projects!
Like I tell Chris I already did 6th Grade!


  1. I feel your pain. Elizabeth is pretty good at them, but I still don't like projects. Her latest research paper includes a painting. A good source gave me a tip to call Delores. She's going to help her tomorrow and then it will be done. Early!
    She's also offered to help with all dioramas and other artsy things. Yippee! I now feel like I might make it through school projects for life. Sigh.

  2. To answer your question:
    Why yes, I have met that boy. :)

  3. Ha! yikes. . .so not looking forward to that.
