Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My husband's shirts!

My Husband has at least 21 dress shirts.
He is required to wear one 6 days a week.
He chooses colored ones on work days and a white one each Sunday!
When we were first married I worked as a nanny.
We had extra money and I would take my husbands shirts to the dry cleaner each week.
I remember him complaining about getting up and getting ready for work/church then.
Laugh out loud!
As time went by we stopped bringing the shirts to the Dry cleaners.
At first I would help him get his shirts ironed but with more children it became impossible.
As a gift I began ironing his shirts for father's day or our anniversary.
With time I stopped doing that, too!
So today out of the blue I thought my husband may enjoy a two week vacation from shirt ironing.
Lucky him!
I got to work early this morning and before I knew it I was done!
So to the man who gets up early each day to work and provide for us,
while we enjoy the summer off!
Happy ironing vacation!
We love you! : )


  1. what a treat for him! I'm amazed at men that iron their shirts. If Carl finds a shirt unironed he just wears it as is. I usually do it out of embarassment for him. I usually watch a movie at the same time in order to make ironing tolerable.

  2. You are a much better wife than me.
    Mike would have to make a 10-year in advance ironing vacation reservation! :P
    And even then food will not be included.
